Responsible Contraceptive Uptake in Rural Pakistan
The global trend towards medical abortion using drugs without the supervision of healthcare professionals

The Challenge
The global trend towards medical abortion using drugs without the supervision of healthcare professionals is on the rise. Consequently, it is imperative to ensure that women have easy access to guidance on post-abortive care and contraception to safeguard their reproductive health and prevent unwanted pregnancies. Ipas collaborated with us to develop interventions aimed at increasing post-abortive contraceptive uptake in rural Pakistan.

The Work
Our approach involved co-design workshops with various stakeholders to formulate our prototyping strategy. Drawing from these collaborative sessions, we devised a range of concepts to address the challenge.

These ideas were subsequently tested with users to evaluate their willingness to engage with proposed pathways for contraceptive counseling post-abortion. The tested concepts comprised a blend of digital and service-oriented solutions, strategically positioned at key touchpoints including women's homes, pharmacies, and various healthcare providers.

The Outcome
Through this approach, our goal was to enhance accessibility to post-abortion care and contraception for rural Pakistani women, ultimately fostering reproductive health and reducing the incidence of unwanted pregnancies.

Services Offered
Designing & Testing Interventions